We had six weeks to design the story around the script and develop the backend integration, so we had little time to look back. How did time constraints affect your final solution? "The project happened very fast. Because the site is a real-time narrative it doesn't use a traditional navigation structure users are instructed to click links and provide information but each case is a unique interactive element.The most unique interactive feature is the use of over-the-phone voice recognition to trigger events on the site.The technical obstacles included telephone-to-Web connectivity and syncing, voice recognition and keeping participants engaged in a narrative structure that requires ten minutes to complete.After entering a phone number the journey begins. Essentially a series of videos that creates a profile for the main character, the segments are strung together within the context of several fictional Web-sites that create the illusion that the user is tracking the character through the Web and eventually catching up with him in the real world. A breakthrough in online alternate reality gaming, it's an immersive experience integrating mobile voice recognition and Flash. Overview: Just one marketing component for the film Eagle Eye, this interactive site acted as a prequel by establishing the film's concept and introducing its main character. "OMG! Best site ever! An incredibly immersive online experience that utilizes mobile and video to emulate the movie plot in a visceral way." -juror Amber Bezahler This project has renewed my faith in movie Web games I was hooked and actually sort of scared!" -juror Michelangelo Capraro "A great use of technologies to get the Web audience living the story.